Tips for ideal wall design

There are many ways to decorate your wall with pictures. Interior designer Miriam Medri has the following tips and tricks that definitely work. A coherent picture ensemble is crucial for a harmonic wall design, says the expert.

Creating calmness and cohesion

A recognizable system should create calmness and cohesion. This is easy to achieve with a central theme, e. g. similar picture motifs such as landscapes or portraits. If you wish to present pictures with different contents, you can achieve this common link by using the same picture frames or the same colours

Absorbing axes

When placing the axes, make sure to absorb the axes of the furniture in the room, e. g. the middle of a sofa. Breaking the harmony, however, can be appealing as it creates interesting constrasts, for example when individual pictures literally step out of line in terms of size, colour or motif: in the image above a smaller-sized frame hangs at the end of the line like a footnote. Miriam Medri's tip regarding the hanging height: Place the picture middle at eye level, around 165 cm. Oversized formats or groups, of course, are the exception.

Emphasis through color

You can emphasize your pictures with brightly coloured backgrounds, which is often done at museums. Here you can see how the wall behind absorbs and enhances the yellow in the drawings. The magnetic frames are attached to a gallery rail to make linear hanging easier. Lamps, most commonly placed above the picture, can also draw attention. The glass in the frame should be anti-reflective in order to minimise strong reflections.

Images: Miriam Medri