The block hanging
One speaks of block hanging when several rows hang above each other in a block. Strict horizontal and vertical lines are used here. Equal-sized and square picture frames are particularly suitable. This form is used for thematically and optically connected works. If completely different pictures are used, this should be consistently maintained. This hanging is suitable as a design option if the focus should be on the room design and not on the motif.
© Walter Schels
Our customers did it this way - examples from the HALBE blog:
Discover further hangings:
Single hanging
Horizontal hanging
Vertical hanging
Edge hanging
Salon style hanging
Blokkens centrum er igen baseret på en højde på 1,55 m over gulvet. Da blokophængningen i sin rene form med identiske billedrammer (størrelse og farve) kan virke meget streng, brydes de strenge linjer ofte sporadisk. Dette løsner bevidst op for ophængningen. Grænsen til aksedannelsen er så flydende. Rækkerne kan også være forskudte.